November 01, 2022

EOS vs NEO: A Comparison of Two Titans

Are you torn between which blockchain to use? Two of the most popular blockchain platforms in the market today are EOS and NEO. Both offer unique features that make them stand out from one another. Whether it's for investing or deploying dApps, it's important to compare and contrast the two to make an informed decision.

Overview of EOS

EOS is a blockchain platform designed to support decentralized applications (dApps). It aims to provide an infrastructure that can scale as more developers and users join the ecosystem. EOS uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPOS) consensus model, meaning that token holders elect block producers based on their stake in the system.

Overview of NEO

NEO, often dubbed the "Chinese Ethereum," is an open-source platform for creating decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. It also supports digital identities and asset digitization. NEO uses a consensus mechanism called dBFT (delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance), which is designed to provide high throughput and fast transaction confirmation.

Performance Comparison

Transaction Speeds

EOS has significantly faster transaction speeds than NEO. EOS can handle up to 3,996 transactions per second, while NEO can only handle 1,000 transactions per second.


EOS is known for its scalability, thanks to its DPOS consensus mechanism. With DPOS, transactions can be processed parallelly, increasing throughput and reducing the time it takes to confirm transactions. While NEO's dBFT consensus mechanism is also designed for high throughput, it still lags behind EOS's capabilities.

Energy Consumption

EOS is criticized for its high energy consumption. Running a node on EOS requires a lot of energy, making it costly and not environmentally friendly. On the other hand, NEO's dBFT consensus mechanism doesn't require much energy, making it much more eco-friendly.


Another significant difference between EOS and NEO is how they handle governance. EOS has delegated block producers who are responsible for making decisions regarding the blockchain's development. The system's governance is entirely centralized as these block producers can adjust the protocol, making it more or less desirable for users based on their vested interests.

In contrast, NEO's governance model is more decentralized as it relies on NEO's Council instead of a small set of block producers. NEO's Council members, who are elected by NEO's token holders, vote on network development proposals.


There you have it, a comparison of two of the most prominent blockchain platforms in the market today - EOS and NEO. Both have their unique strengths and weaknesses, which make them suited for different use cases.

EOS is a scalable platform with a DPOS consensus mechanism that can handle more transactions, while NEO is energy-efficient and has a more decentralized governance model. When choosing between the two, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and use case.


  1. EOS.IO
  2. NEO
  3. EOS vs NEO: Difference between EOS and NEO
  4. EOS and NEO: Battle of the Blockchain Giants

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